

  1. In order to make a Booking, please contact the Organiser by email at: .  The message shall contain personal data: first and last name, date of birth and contact details: address, contact telephone number, e-mail address of the person making the Booking and personal data and contact details of the other Participants for whom the Booking is made.
  2. In order to make a Booking, the User must be at least 18 (in words: eighteen) years of age and have full legal capacity.
    The Booking takes place after the Participant confirms that he/she has read these Regulations, the Terms and Conditions of Participation and the Privacy Policy. The Organiser shall not be liable for the consequences of providing false or incomplete information by the Participant.
  3. After the confirmation of the Booking by the Organiser in the form of an e-mail message, the Agreement with the Participant is concluded. The Agreement is concluded in electronic form. By paying the cost of the trip (in part or in full) the Participant accepts the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Detailed conditions of concluding the Agreement, in particular regarding the payment, rights and obligations of the Participants, complaints, resignation from the expedition or changing the term are defined in the Terms and Conditions of Participation.
  4. The terms and methods of payment are available in the summary of the Booking in the email from the Organiser.
    All prices are in Swiss Francs – CHF



  1. The price of the expedition is expressed in Swiss Francs (CHF). The services included in the price are each time listed in the expedition description under – offer details.
  2. When booking the expedition, you are required to:

(a) an advance payment of 60% (500CHF), which is confirmation of the place reservation. Proof of payment should be sent to the Organiser by e-mail on the day of booking.
b) the remaining 40% of the expedition value must be paid up to 21 days before the expedition start date.

If the participant, having made the advance payment, fails to pay the remaining amount no later than 21 days before the expedition start date, the Organiser reserves the right to withdraw from the contract in accordance with the cancellation conditions stated in section III, item 2 a)



  1. The Participant may cancel his/her participation in the expedition without incurring additional costs within 30 days before the start of the Event. In such a case, the Participant will be refunded the entire amount of the payment made.
  2. The resignation should be submitted by e-mail sent to the following address:
    a) In the event that the Participant withdraws from the participation agreement within 21-30 days before the commencement of the Event, the Participant shall bear costs amounting to 40% of the price of the chosen Event,
    b) In the case of withdrawal from the participation agreement between 14 and 21 days before the start of the holiday, the cost to the participant amounts to 60% of the price of the chosen Event,
    c) in the case of withdrawal up to 14 days before the start of a holiday, the costs to be borne by the participant amount to 100% of the price of the chosen Event


The participant may transfer all his/her rights to another person who fulfils the conditions for participation in the package tour. At the same time, this person shall assume all obligations resulting from this agreement. The transfer of rights and assumption of obligations shall be effective towards the Organiser if the Participant notifies the Organiser at least 7 days before the commencement of the tourist event.

  1. The minimum number of Participants in each of our Events is 6. If the required number of people does not turn up by 14 days before the start of the Event, the Organizer may exercise the option to cancel the Event. The Organizer is obliged to inform the remaining Participants who have already booked a place in the Event. If they do not choose an alternative date, the Organizer will immediately return the money paid and the agreement will be terminated by a written statement of the Organizer.
  2. If the Organiser cancels the Tour for reasons beyond the Participant’s control and other than those mentioned in the above sentence, the Participant shall have the right, at his/her choice
    (a) participate in the trip on another date confirmed by the Organiser
    b) claim reimbursement of payments made
  3. Resignation from participation in the event by the Participant due to his/her fault shall be understood as:
    a) not arriving at the hotel on the agreed date
    b) resignation due to illness and other random events.


  1. A person participating in the tour must be at least 18 years of age
  2. By concluding a contract for participation in the expedition, the Participant declares that he/she has become acquainted with the programme of the event presented on the website, in particular with information regarding the cycling routes (route lengths, daily altitudes)
  3. The participant is aware that he/she is in good physical condition, has the necessary technical skills and has no contraindications, especially health ones, to take part in the expedition and that he/she takes part in it at his/her own risk.
  4. The participant acknowledges that participation in the expedition involves physical exertion and entails the natural risk and danger of accidents, the possibility of personal injury and physical trauma (including death).
  5. By booking a tour event, the participant declares that he/she has assessed the nature, scope and degree of risk involved in participating in the event and has consciously and voluntarily decided to assume this risk, taking part in the event solely at his/her own risk.
  6. The participant is solely responsible for any damage that may arise as a result of his/her participation, in particular during the completion of the planned daily cycling routes.
  7. The participant acknowledges that the organiser’s liability is defined by law. He/she is aware that in the event of an accident, also caused by another participant, he/she shall not be entitled to any claims against the organiser.
  8. The participant is obliged to ride a bicycle wearing a bicycle helmet.
  9. The participant is obliged to have appropriate and up-to-date documents which enable the journey, required by the regulations of the countries where the event will be held.
  10. Participants shall be obliged to provide the Organiser with information concerning their health condition, in particular: psycho-physical condition, injuries, chronic diseases.
  11. Participants shall be obliged to purchase their own insurance with regard to medical expenses (KL) and personal accident insurance (NNW). It is recommended to choose insurance which covers mountain biking, which is sometimes qualified as an extreme sport depending on the insurance company.
  12. During the Event the Participant is obliged to adapt their clothing and equipment to the prevailing weather conditions and to the planned programme of the expedition, as well as to the requirements of the law in force in the country where the expedition is carried out. The organizer has the right, but not the obligation, to draw the attention of the client to the need for appropriate adjustment of clothing at a given time during the expedition.
  13. Before using the sports equipment during the expedition, especially the bicycle equipment, the participant is obliged to make sure that the equipment is in working order and safe to use. Any potential faults must be reported to the organiser.
  14. The participant is obliged to use the sports equipment during the expedition in accordance with safety requirements and the purpose of the equipment. The Organiser has the right to draw the Participant’s attention to the need to comply with these requirements.
  15. The participant is obliged to follow the rules of the road being a participant, the Organiser is not responsible for road accidents.
  16. The Organiser undertakes to execute each Event professionally and diligently and to provide the Participants with all services as specified in the description.
  17. The Organiser is responsible for the accurate execution and conduct of the expedition. If any faults occur not due to the Organiser’s fault but to the fault of third parties not connected with the provision of services, the Organiser shall not be held responsible on that account. The Organiser reserves the right to adjust the itinerary or programme on an ongoing basis due to safety and health of the Participants, weather conditions or events beyond the Organiser’s control.
  18. The Organiser is liable for non-performance or undue performance of the agreement, unless the non-performance or undue performance is due to:
    – act or omission of the Client,
    – acts or omissions of third parties not participating in the performance of the services provided for in the agreement, if such acts or omissions could not have been foreseen or avoided,
    – due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, force majeure.
  19. The Organiser shall immediately provide appropriate assistance to the Participant who finds himself in a difficult situation. The Organiser may demand a fee for providing assistance if the difficult situation arose due to the Participant’s sole wilful misconduct or gross negligence.
  20. The Organiser does not take responsibility for behaviour, insufficient preparation for the expedition, non-compliance with traffic regulations and accidents caused by the Participants and third parties.
  21. Neither the Organiser nor persons connected with the organisation of the expedition shall be liable to the Participants or third parties for personal, material or property damage which occurs during the expedition.
  22. The Organiser will not be held responsible for items and other property owned by a Participant which have been damaged, lost or stolen.
  23. Modifications of the routes, changes in the order and other adjustments during the cycling trips are possible, dictated by the condition of the group, prevailing weather conditions or conditions found on site, which could not have been foreseen by the organiser.